Brighter & Brighter NGO Ghana

STEM Knowledge and Skills Portal easy access

Presenting SKASP Personalised Learning

Our STEM KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS PORTAL (SKASP) gives access to Pre-Tertiary Institutions cohort learners with uniquely assigned login in names to the portal's modules which makes use of

       the “Teacher-in-a-box” Learning Management System, in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Paddington,

       based in Queensland-Australia, which provides digital educational materials and Open Educational Resources

       (OER) tailored to the local curriculum and cultural context without the need for an Internet connection.

What is STEM coaching

  1. Procurement of digital devices such as tablets or laptops and mBot Robots for the STEM Labs. 

  2. Training workshops for teachers on integrating STEM digital resources into their teaching practices in the Ghanaian Classrooms

  3. Utilising our Australian trained STEM Teacher-Volunteers in our Training the Trainer Workshops

  4. Sourcing Funind from Sponsors to setup STEM Labs in Ghana's Pre-Tertiary Institutions


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Success stories

You will find a photo gallery of our STEM Educatrional resources deployments in the Central, Western and Greater Accra Regions of Ghana ton date.



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Presenting SKASP Personalised Learning Portal

Our STEM KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS PORTAL (SKASP)  is our customised  Teacher-in-a-box digital tool kit and has three main modules for use by all Pre-Tertiary Institutiions in Africa. Namely:

1.  Basic Schools and Senior High Schools Curriculum sub-modules

2.  Science, Technoloigy, Engineering, the Arts      and Mathematics (STEAM) Lessons and Activities sub-modules

3.  Career Pathways and Vocational Skills for young people      sub-modules